Hello, it's me.
Hello, blogging world. It's good to be back. For those of you who don't know me, I used to blog regularly back in high school but quickly fell away from it once I started college. I already rambled about myself in my About page, so I suggest you read that before I continue.
*insert Jeopardy music here*
Okay, you're back. I'm assuming you read about me and my goals for 2016 by now. I'm glad you're caught up.
Today is January 12, 2016. I'm still at home on winter break, which has mostly consisted of sleeping in until 10 every morning and lounging around the house all day. In my defense, I came home from Vegas with a terrible cold and double ear infection. I haven't exactly been in good condition to be productive.
I do have a gym membership (see Goal #1), so I have been running at the gym 3-4 days per week now that my illnesses have cleared up. I've also started reading Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling (see Goal #2) which was a Christmas gift from my sister.
my winter break in a photo
My love for Mindy Kaling grows more by the day. I read her first book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns), last year and loved it. I'm so obsessed with her TV show The Mindy Project that I purchased a Hulu account to watch it when it was canceled from Fox. This book is living up to my expectation so far. The woman can do no wrong.
As I mentioned in my About page, this blog is simply a place for me to share my life during my last two semesters of college. If you're interested in reading about college shenanigans, half marathon training, good books, and my nearly non-existent love life, then I suggest you stick around. I expect 2016 to be one eventful year.
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